Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year 2019, friends! The year 2018 flew by in a beautiful blur full of some of the most incredible moments of our lives. From beginning to end, it was filled with many amazing firsts and the joy of experiencing our new life together. The blog here may have been a little quiet most of the time but let me tell you that our lives were FAR from quiet!

Today marks week #39 of our pregnancy! It has been a wonderful experience and I feel quite spoiled that it has been, overall, such an easy one for me. Baby seems quite content to be hanging out on the inside still and that's just fine by me---I'm SO excited to meet our little one whenever it chooses to arrive but I'm 100% good with whenever that timing might be!

In celebration of the new year, and 39 weeks of pregnancy today, I'm sharing with y'all a few favorites from our winter photo shoot with my friend Hannah of Hannah Elise Photography. If you've followed me for any amount of time, than you've heard me talk about Hannah-she's taken a large majority of the various professional pictures of myself on here, and she is not only an incredible photographer but also a dear friend. She gifted John + I this photoshoot as a gift at our wedding time (it was originally intended for engagement pictures but that didn't end up working out, so maternity photos later on it was!) When we were in Iowa for Thanksgiving the end of November, she fit us in for a session, and in spite of the cold weather she got amazing pictures as always! 


Happy New Year from us to you!


  1. You guys are so cute, Chelsy! I'm so glad you've had a wonderful pregnancy!

    My mom is pregnant with #8 and she's not far behind you! Such an exciting time! <333

  2. Those pictures are so beautiful, Chelsy!

  3. You look really happy. Hard to believe these are YOUR maternity pictures! After so many you've taken for friends and family through the years. Been praying for you every day. Thanks for sharing these, I was hoping you would. Good to hear from you.

    Love, Rebecca

  4. Love the pictures, Chels!!! And that's so exciting that your baby is almost due!! I'll be praying for a safe birth.
    <3 Elizabeth

  5. You look very cute pregnancy Chelsey.

  6. So gorgeous! Can't wait till your little one gets here. You're going to be such an awesome momma!
    God bless,

  7. Chelsy, I'm SO excited to hear baby news, Lord willing, sooooon!!!!! :) I hope everything goes very, very well (and will be praying for you)!! I'm so thankful to hear that it's been an easy and healthy pregnancy! I was you possibly have any health tips to share? Maybe even specifically towards young ladies who are not mothers yet, but want to be healthy when that time comes. ;) Anything that you have learned? Thank you so very much for considering, even though I'm sure things will be getting a little bit busier for you soon (and so much sweeter♥)...;)
    Love and Blessings,
    ~Martha Joy


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Also, anyone with a question related to a post must provide their full name. Feel free to email me with questions on topics not pertinent to the post. Thanks y'all!