Friday, October 14, 2022

FisherPrice Toddler Seats & My Meal Time Favorites for Littles

This picture is my favorite part about this post because GOODNESS they are cute and I love them more than life itself!! I'm sure every parent says this about their kids but I am convinced mine are genuinely the sweetest and dearest little souls I have ever met and I cannot believe I get to be their mama. So blessed.

On that note of being a mama! I have these three babies ages 3, 2, and 1, and I have never owned a highchair! Guess what, you don't have to either! =) These simple little FisherPrice Toddler seats are incredible! They come with straps so they are safe even for your "just learned to sit" babies. (I usually start using them soon after the babies start to eat solids and are sitting well by themselves) These little seats not only strap to your baby but also to the chair, very securely. We take ours with us when we travel also, and have been known to use them at weddings, in restaurants, and when we are invited to friends' for dinner. 

This is what we have used from the beginning of our parenthood journey just a few years ago and I cannot recommend them enough. In my opinion, regular high chairs are overrated and unnecessary and just a completely bonus space hog and expense. =) I'm all about minimalism in most areas, and I still can't get over the simplicity and versatility of these little things!

We got two of ours on Amazon and one off Facebook marketplace. (I feel like garage sales would be a great place to find them too but I haven't had that luck yet) We even had an extra for a while when Axton was a baby. We would keep the spare in the trunk of the car for when we were out and about, and then bring it in to our house if we had guests who had a toddler. Having it always in the car meant that we were prepared anytime we needed it!

Here are a few other things that are my mealtime favorites for littles:

Silicone baby bibs. Literally the best invention ever. These save spills and so much more! 

NUK Sippies. This is all we use for sippy cups for all the ages and they are perfect! Highly recommend! 

NUK toddler silverware. I love these because they have a plastic handle which is great but the actual spoon/fork part is stainless steel. 

NUK infant spoons. This is what I use for Madeline and the boys before her, for those first few months of learning to eat solids. I love them! 

Toddler plates/bowls. Ours were gifted to us years ago and were from Ikea, but these look identical. I really really love how simple they are-they fit perfectly on the trays of the toddler seats, and there is a plate and a bowl option depending on what we are having. 

If you are reading this and are a mama, how many kids do you have, and what are your favorite tips for mealtimes?

Happy Weekend! 


Note: All of the items linked in this post, unless otherwise noted, are items that I own and love. Amazon links are affiliate links. Please read my affiliate disclosure here


  1. I was AMAZED that you have NEVER used a high chair! But the “substitute” high chair idea is a super cute idea too. I’ll have to keep these in mind if I have kids someday 🙂 Thanks for the tips!

    1. I know, it sounds a little crazy, with me having three kids! But it works! =)

  2. Yay! We never used high chairs either, just one of those FP ones and another similar booster (we got ours from Aldi and it was their store brand). I never wanted to give up space to a high chair either, haha!

    1. Great idea to watch for them at Aldi! I'd love an extra for the car again so I'll have to be on the lookout for one there!

  3. We have 3 and a 4th on the way and I love these toddler seats as well! They are so easy to pack up and bring along wherever. We did get a high chair for our first, but it was $12 from ikea - it is so simple and easy to clean and doesn’t take up too much space. We love the ikea dishes as well - someone gave them to me as a baby shower gift which I thought was a fun idea…not something I was thinking of in the newborn mom stage but was grateful to have a few months later!

    1. Congrats on your 4th on the way! So fun to hear how you have loved these little seats as well!
      And the Ikea dishes! Ours were actually given to us before we even had kids and they have been used lots by nieces and nephews even before our own kiddos!

  4. I have 3 children, 14, 12, and 9. The ones you picture are the only style highchair we ever used. As you said, handy to bring with and saving on floor space. Found good homes for them when we outgrew them as they hold up well!

    1. That is so fun to hear, Diana! I've been impressed with the quality, too!

  5. Thank you for this post! I have an 8-month old and have the seat - it’s great!! I was very curious about the stainless steel utensils…does it help with adapting to adult cutlery? I have all plastic for now but am now super interested in any benefits helping wth knowledge and cost.


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