Friday, May 3, 2013

Jon&Marissa's Wedding Pictures Part 2

Here is the part two/continuation of the photos from my cousin's beautiful wedding back in December. I just got access to these and am excited to share them here!
My super sweet cousin Lyndsi works @ a coffee shop/cafe, and she brought the girls of the bridal party
 coffee drinks that morning. 
what fun to sip while we were getting ready...
My sis Alli was the bride's personal attendant and did a lovely job of being organized and keeping everyone on track. She also did the brides hair & mine.
I made her dress for her
(I about pulled my hair out with sewing the overlay-it was SO tricky-but very worth it in how beautiful it turned out. It was fun to redo the pattern and come up with something different)
I love how here Jon & Marissa look so happy and Alli is all business-like w/ her arms full of wedding gear. =)
I did my cousin, Sarah Liz', hair.
Tada! She looked so adorable!
cousins, besties, and partners in crime from babyhood up!
It was faREEZing cold but still such a blast to do bridal party pictures...on the other side of the camera this time for me. =)
details shot...
notice the {extremely} obvious goosebumps on my arms. =)
the fake nails were quite an adventure...
the others had gone to a salon to get theirs done "real", but we got in too late so I missed it. 
So I browsed the selection of KMart and got the shortest ones I could find.
{I couldn't believe some of what was there. seriously.
 can people really accomplish ANYTHING with claws like that?? }
Note: I'm a farm girl and nice nails are not a priority or the norm for me.
daily life involves lots of outdoor/garden work & dish washing and nails just don't last well through those occupations. =)
But...I thought being a MOH I should have nice nails. 
Just for once.
I ended up applying the nails en route to the hotel where the wedding party pictures were taken. very last minute.
they were actually quite easy to do and turned out so cute. 
I was so impressed and things went along just great....
until it was in the middle of the wedding ceremony and I was up to sign the marriage license. 
I got the pen in my hand but try though I might I COULD NOT get a good enough grip to write anything. Those crazy nails were in my way!
 I almost started to panic-its not a good feeling to know that you're holding everyone up and you can't do a thing about it. 
In desperation I finally was able to scrawl out a two-year olds version of my signature. 
 silently resolved that if I'm ever a MOH again the fake nails will have to be sacrificed in favor of a semi-decent looking signature.
This pic is my FAV. 
love love love...
my fantabulous Youngman cousins.
{photography credit to Daryl Musser Photography}


  1. Oooo!! I love the two of Jon and Marissa together! I like the picture of you and her too.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Rebecca K.

  2. P.S.
    Marissa looks absolutely lovely in white!

  3. OH MY WORD... I just LOVE these pics!! I love the story about the fake finger nails!!! lol.. almost laughed out loud while I was reading it.. "sorry" about that...... :( That would be horrible... and btw, you are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that color pink!!! Thanks for sharing the pics, Mary

  4. I love the pictures. You are really a great sewer.

  5. LOVED these pics so much, Chels! Wow! you're like drop dead gorgeous! =D Love the contrast of the pink and the outdoor lighting! Greatly enjoyed your visit and we should totally plan to do something like that again. (Only a little longer! =D)
    Love you!

  6. Awesome pictures!!! I loved looking at them, so thanks for sharing. Congratulations to your cousin!! It looks like it was very cold, but it also looks like everyone had a good time. :)

  7. Beautiful pictres! I love the color of the dresses! And the flowers on them are so neat! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Lovely photos :) I've always found it interesting how most of your extended family wears head coverings and bib-like things (don't know the name, sorry) on the front of their dresses for modesty. Is there any particular reason your immediate family doesn't?

  9. parents both grew up in Mennonite/Amish families and the majority of our relatives are still either mennonite or amish. My mom grew up wearing a headcovering and capes on her dresses.
    My parents have searched the scriptures and don't believe there is any biblical basis for wearing a headcovering or cape dresses; although we respect our relatives and have no problem with people who do those things.
    We believe that hair is given to a woman for her covering, and that in the area of clothing, the Bible simply tells us to dress in a way that is not defrauding, which we strive to do.

    1. UM.. did you look in 1 Corinthians 11? if you didn't-you should! This is why our family wears veils. We live in a community where all the Mennonites (except our church which is B.M.A.)wear cape dresses and it's for modesty but some of them would just say it's tradition. our family and church would all wear skirts t-shirts so on.
      Katrina Swartzentruber of MO.

    2. Yes, believe me-we have studied 1 Corinthians 11! Coming from Mennonite background and having many many Mennonites as relatives and friends we know ALL the mennonite arguments and answers. =)
      But as we have personally studied it ourselves we have discovered that the Bible is talking about long hair as the woman's covering, and NOT a piece of fabric.
      Think about this....the thing that is so confusing about the way Mennonites carry out their head covering belief, is that IF the Bible (as Mennonites think) is truly talking about wearing a head covering to cover their hair/head, instead of hair being the covering....than why is it that I have yet to see a mennonite woman who TRULY has her head/hair covered? The trend is itty bitty veils that hardly cover anything. And even those who wear larger coverings (Amish, Charity, more conservative Mennonites) do NOT have their head/hair covered, just a portion of it.
      Anyway, thats just food for thought-what the Lord has showed me in my study. Most Mennonites have probably have never thought about it that way because they just do the headcovering/etc the way the other people in their churches do, but it is true if you actually think about it.

    3. By the way..I am more than willing to discuss controversial subjects on this blog/comment sections, and people are very welcome to give their opinions and beliefs in their own words, but I will not be publishing comments that include links to related articles. We need to be able to articulate what we believe for ourselves.

    4. Thank you for this, I had been wondering! Great insight.

  10. Thanks so much for your reply! I don't have the same beliefs as you, but I respect that you have come to these conclusions by yourself and are willing to openly discuss them. At the end of the day, we're all one in Christ :)
    I honestly think that God is bigger than we can understand and therefore there is nothing wrong with a range of people can worship Him in different ways.
    -An average pants-wearing Baptist

    1. you are welcome!
      And I'm a pants-wearing Baptist we might have more in common than you think. =)

  11. Just stumbled upon this debate, and I have to say that after studying 1 Corinthians 11, I came to the same conclusion as your immediate family, Chels. I'm Nazarene, and my mom grew up in a very strict upbringing (though not as strict as an Amish upbringing). She grew up wearing skirts and dresses 24/7, but no one in the church ever explained why. They had all sorts of rules, of do's and don't's. While I know that my grandparents were raising my mom and her siblings in the best way they knew how, the Nazarene church's old ways were very legalistic. They honestly believed that your hemline made you more righteous. Nowadays, I have been taught by the Lord Himself that, while it is important to dress and conduct myself in a way that glorifies Him, I cannot win His favor, nor His love, nor His salvation through anything I can do in my own strength. The thought that one CAN earn those things is faulty at best; Ephesians 2 states that we cannot earn the GIFT of salvation. Sometimes, when choosing dress standards within the body of Christ, I think that some folks get this confused. Dress to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, but don't have the motive of dressing to win His love, because He has already given His love as a free gift to all that will believe in and accept it. :) Just my two cents to add to this debate. :)
    Blessings to each of you!


Comments containing profanity and/or hateful language will not be published. I will not be posting comments with questions regarding either John's or my extended family. If you have questions about them, please go ask them on their blogs. =)
Also, anyone with a question related to a post must provide their full name. Feel free to email me with questions on topics not pertinent to the post. Thanks y'all!